Thursday, October 4, 2012

From three to four.

Today's one of those dates. One of the dates I remember and reflect on. It's the day that three years ago I packed all, ok most, of my stuff - my furniture, my art, my cats, my three years of VOGUEs, my life - and moved to New York City. I chased my dream that day. And I like to think I've been chasing it ever since.

My three years here have been some of the most amazing ones of my life. I've met friends who have become family. I have had more professional opportunities than I could have dreamt. I've met people that have touched my heart and my soul. I've had nights alone. I've had days filled with those I love most. I've watched sunsets and sunrises on my rooftop, been lost in Central Park, seen Shakespeare in the Park. I've hosted parties in my tiny nook of an apartment. I now have a neighborhood restaurant - three actually. And they greet me when I walk in. I am still loving the life I chose to create three years ago. And let me tell you, starting a new path at 30 wasn't always easy. But it was always - always - worth it.

At a dinner earlier this week, my friend Sam asked me what my goals for the next three years in the city were. I was stumped. Me! Someone who had carried this goal for so many years. Someone who made goals annually, weekly even. I had nothing.

So I begin to think.

I am ready for the next step - the next leap. I am ready for what that may be. My goal is to find it and then have the courage to embrace it.

I want to volunteer more. This city is now my home and I want to begin to give back.

I want to continue getting to know my city, and more importantly, myself.

I heart NY. 

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