Saturday, August 30, 2008

Let there be light. . . and color

I left NYC last week at that perfect early time of morning. The cab took me up by the East River and as we approached the FDR, I saw beautiful, golden rays of light dancing through the buildings. As we reached the water's edge, the light played off of the trees and was echoed on the water. Breathtaking. See you soon fall.

It's catching, the Dewey Color System. Two of my favorite people have participated and blogged about their results. So of course I became curious. Want to delight in color? Yes. Want to find out something you maybe knew about yourself, but needed to reaffirm? Yes. Take the test, pick the colors, smile at the reminder of yourself.

Perhaps this is the most appropriate time to introduce my DCS results, it is in fact my second post on a blog that has been secured, but empty for almost a month now. Mmmmh, and what exactly does that say about me both an ardent creator of the written word and a somewhat creature of habit? We'll see what the next test may tell. For now, here's what Dewey and his multi-colored exam had to say:

You're an Entertainer
By paying close attention to everyone's emotions, you better understand yourself and others. Your exciting, concerned energy compels people to express themselves. When you hear how others feel, you clearly see their kindness, love, pain, and fear.

So, there I am. Hello. Looking forward to getting to know you, and me more.

I'll leave you with one of my favorite sights.

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