Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A little bit of old home in my new home.

You know those moments that stop you in your tracks? I'm talking about when you feel someone miiiight get you? Like, get. you.

Had one the other night when I was gifted the video below of The Rosebuds, Raleigh's indie darlings, singing my very favorite song. That could have been all it was, and that would have been more than fine. But wait for it. This video was shot in my neighborhood - in New York - and features a rare, raw, acoustic version of Blue Bird. And. It. Slays. Me. So now "more than fine" becomes "amazing," and the video moves to my daily to watch list.

Because I love layers - in life and fashion - there's more. I'm homesick. For Carolina. So this video of friends from my old home performing in my new home, well it hit home. And just when I needed it.

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