Saturday, December 31, 2011

For auld lang syne, my dear

It's no big secret that on the last day of the year you practically wake up in reflection. What was done, what was seen, what was felt over last year. Remember this... I'll never forget that.... It's human to at least glance back as we go forward. And there's nothing quite as 'forward' as the turn of a new calendar year.

I've always loved New Year's Eve. Less for the 'pomp and circumstance' and more for the 'tabula rosa.' It's another year - a new year - to experience the things we want, try the things we've always thought about, make goals and cross them off our lists. It's a new beginning. And what holds more promise?

When I moved to New York I began naming each year. 2010 was The Year of Anticipation. I wanted to be open, ready for what may cross my path - and excited. I was in a new city, new home, new lifestyle - anticipating what was to come. 2011 was The Year of The Real Thing. I set out expecting to find it in one place (and maybe did for a New York minute), but just as that year slides into the past, I know what the 'real thing' was for me this last year, and that I'll always have it. That's the thing about the 'real thing' it hits you just when, and maybe where, you least expect it.

The countdown's begun, 2012 is hours away. I'll be with my urban family, in the heart of my city, celebrating in style. Waiting to turn, fully, towards 2012 and all that the year will be.

Bonne anneé!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Christmas, y'all

'Tis the MOST wonderful time of the year.....

Christmas in the city is grand, but I'm heading home, South to NC. Gonna spend Christmas in Dixie.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Today marks my two-year anniversary in New York. Let me just let that sink in for a minute. (For me, not you.)

It's not that I ever doubted this day would arrive. In fact, I'm more than sure there will be a three, a five and maybe even a 13-year anniversary. It's just that with each significant date, I'm the sort of gal that sits back and reflects. And today I'm doing that to a few songs and artists that have always reminded me of New York - my city, my home.

New York was in my heart long before I was in its streets. I'm not sure why, but it's a love affair that bloomed and endured over the years, the moves, the job, the heartaches, the successes and just about everything else that came my way. And like the really good love, it never wanes. So, even though these last two years haven't been a total fairytale, my love for New York is real and here to stay.

What I know now is that the city changes, and you better change with it. Fourteen months in is vastly different than nine (the approximate time I was considering packing my bags), your luck can change - maybe even by day's end - and sometimes the energy of the city is all you need. I've also come to find that New York can be a very small place. (It's true, trust me.) And that more often than not the city gives you what you need, but you have to work to get what you really want. And there's a beauty in that. And the hardest part is. . . is there a "hardest part?" Maybe it's knowing there is so much out there - so much to New York. How to feel it all?

I guess only time, and the years to come, will tell.

And to New York, borrowed from another North Carolinian-turn-New Yorker: "The world won't wait, so I better shake that thing right out there through the door, hell I still love you, New York. ~ Ryan Adams

View from my East Village rooftop.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

We are always running for the thrill of it.

I've been dreading this countdown.

Saturday (as in four days) I'll make the second - no, third - most significant move of my life (to date). I'm saying so long to my gorgeous roommate, one of my dearest friends and probably my closest confidant, Jackson Hodges. And. It. Might. Kill. Me. (He will for sure be racked with grief, I'll tell you that much for free.)

We've been friends for ages, but live-in besties for the last two years and life may have never been better. From the scary-exciting move to 168 Henry and starting work, making friends - making our way - to "Jack Special," Clandestino stop-ins, Octomom light fixtures and discovering our 'hood, we made the Jewel Box (JB, if you know) home. While it will always be my (and Jackson's) first home in NYC, it won't be our last. And Saturday, I'll make my way on to the next with a heavy heart, a pretty packed moving truck, a mind full of memories and anticipation for what's to come.

So, here's to the last 24 months with jmh. (Who never once wavered, left my side or failed to make me at least crack a smile.) My MAJORLY edited Top 5.

5. BBMK. (Covers a multitude of, well, sins.)
4. Confusing people on the streets with our coupledom.
3. Cast-iron skillet cover-up. (A recent but poignant add.)
2. Single-handedly gentrifying the street even WITHOUT a sapling.
1. Sunday cuddlefests with Stop One runs, Sunday gravy and robes.

And here's to unconditional love. (That's also JMH.)

Moving day, October 4, 2009

Friday, May 13, 2011

Yeah, that happened.

MoMA and Kanye would have been just fine. But add Jay-Z into the mix and. mind. blown. Just another New York Night I suppose.

Or was it?

MoMA Garden Party, May 10, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A little bit of old home in my new home.

You know those moments that stop you in your tracks? I'm talking about when you feel someone miiiight get you? Like, get. you.

Had one the other night when I was gifted the video below of The Rosebuds, Raleigh's indie darlings, singing my very favorite song. That could have been all it was, and that would have been more than fine. But wait for it. This video was shot in my neighborhood - in New York - and features a rare, raw, acoustic version of Blue Bird. And. It. Slays. Me. So now "more than fine" becomes "amazing," and the video moves to my daily to watch list.

Because I love layers - in life and fashion - there's more. I'm homesick. For Carolina. So this video of friends from my old home performing in my new home, well it hit home. And just when I needed it.

Friday, April 15, 2011

To, from

Dear Spring,

Thanks for showing up.

New York City

(Well, sort of.)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

One of those nights.

There are New York nights. Then there are New York Nights.

Last night was one of those Nights.

How could it not be when it begins at The Modern (err, my "local") and ends at Blue Ribbon, with TV On the Radio at Radio City Music Hall thrown in the middle for good measure? Good drinks, great food and even better music in one of New York's storied landmarks.

Walking into Radio City you can't help but feel as if you're walking back in time, to a grander era. But when TVOTR exploded on stage, you were right there in the present; immersed in a New York Night.

Radio City 4/13/11, photo courtesy of Brooklyn Vegan.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring in my city, my step

Sometimes, when I weather through something - a proverbial "storm," if you will - I remark (yeah, out loud), that I "made it through." Could be the night, day, cold, heat, lunch, conference call. . . whatever. The point being I came out on the other side. Finally. Saying it out loud is all that more affirming. Reassuring, even.

As March winds it's way out of my life (thankyouverymuch), I can resolutely say, "I made it through" the winter. And does it feel good to come out on the other side. The side of spring and new beginnings and the promise of pretty much everything.

Hailing from the South, I'm not sure I ever fully appreciated the change of seasons. To be honest, I'm not sure I ever experienced them. I have now. And I'm better for it. I've now weathered a winter - a couple of them actually. And I made it through. We all did, I suppose.

I started the winter - or ended the summer more accurately - with Florence's Dog Days Are Over. Let's say it more than got me through those harsh days. Now there's spring in my step (and my city) and my ears are tuned to The Black Keys' Everlasting Light as they promise, "The dark days are through." Are they ever.


Paris, October 2010