Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A look, a smile, your daily cup of coffee.

I have learned that living in New York City you find "intimacy" in some of the oddest places. Take my relationship with my coffee man as an example. Of course he knows how I take my cup, but he also misses me when I'm not there and thinks "I'm magic." His words, not mine. He was also quite stunned to see me walk in one night rather than morning, hinting that he knows my routine. Bet he would report me missing if I went an extra-long stretch before returning.

The city is a veritable playground of missed connections (just look online) - people in cabs, sharing a platform, queuing up to gain entrance to a bar, even trains passing on separate tracks. And to think who you meet-or don't meet-could also be influenced by your neighborhood. . . It's enough to send the cosmos reeling.

So intimacy - or closeness - both in proximity and that feeling you get when a spark transmits pops up in surprising and unexpected places, yes. I'm not saying it's between me and coffee man, but I am saying it exists.

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